Plenary speakers
Sarah Peluse
Sarah Peluse (IAS/Michigan)
Sarah Peluse is a Veblen research instructor at the IAS, and an assistant professor at the University of Michigan. She is a leading expert in the field of arithmetic combinatorics where she is perhaps best known for her work on the Polynomial Szemeredi Theorem. For her contributions to the area she was awarded the 2022 Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize.
Eric Urban
Eric Urban (Columbia)
Eric Urban is a professor at Columbia University working in the area automorphic forms and Iwasawa theory. His work on Iwasawa theory and L-functions associated to elliptic curves has led to our current understanding of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2007.
David Helm
David Helm (Imperial)
David Helm is a professor at Imperial College London whose area of research is in the Langlands program and the cohomology of Shimura varieties. He is known for his work on formulating or proving refined forms of the local Langlands correspondence that are geometric or categorical in nature, as well as for applying the local Langlands correspondence toward open problems in the modular and integral representation theory of p-adic groups.
Invited speakers
Please see the full programme for more details.
Registration for the conference is now closed. If you have not yet registered and previously indicated your intention to participate then please contact the organizers.
A bit of history
In 1998, number theorists at Université Laval and the University of Maine founded the Maine/Québec Conference on Number Theory and Related Topics. Since then it has been held annually on a weekend in early Fall (except 2001, when the conference was cancelled due to the attacks that September). We invite number theorists and mathematicians in related areas from New England, eastern Canada, and beyond to speak about their research and discuss ideas for future work. Each year there is a change in venue: odd years at UMaine, even years at U. Laval.
This year, we honour the memory of Henrik Bresinsky, a member of the UMaine faculty until his retirement in 2010.
Practical matters
- Lodging: The Hampton Inn and Suites, Bangor.
- Transportation: If travelling to Orono by coach, there is a UMaine stop on the Concord Line. Travel to and from Bangor Airport can be done with Uber or by Taxi.
Transportation to and from UMaine campus, the hotel, and the banquet will be by charter bus. The schedule is
- Saturday, Hampton Inn to UMaine departing 8:15 am and returning 5:15 pm.
- Saturday, Hampton Inn to High Tide (banquet) departing 6:00 pm and returning 8:00 pm.
- Sunday, Hampton Inn to UMaine departing 8:15 am.
This year, the conference takes place in person at the University of Maine in Orono. The local organizers are Jack Buttcane, Brandon Hanson, Andy Knightly and Gil Moss.
Jack Buttcane
Brandon Hanson
Andy Knightly
Gil Moss
The 2023 Maine-Quebec Number Theory Conference is made possible with help from the following sponsors.